Photograph by Bryon Bigford
My path into photography can be summed up into a very simple summary....
"Stay at home mom turned photographer."
However my passion for photography is much greater than that!
While learning on a Kodak Easyshare my husband got me for Christmas many years ago, I fell head over heels in love with everything to do with this craft. 
While I did earn my Associates Degree in photography, most of the learning came from photographing my kids and capturing the raw emotions that 2 toddlers give daily. As my learning progressed so did my style of photographs. I began having my kids pose, wear costumes, and stand in the scene that was created...
This is where my love for conceptual portraiture began.
Telling stories and creating emotions for the viewer to experience is my goal as a photographer. I want the viewer to feel the image, not just see it.
These stories, your stories, I love capturing them. Whether it be the story of your family, your senior, or even your car! Getting those memories captured for you to enjoy is my goal as a photographer. 
Let me help you tell your story!
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